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Bonchari Constituency

Bonchari Constituency has an approximate population of 122,077 representing a population density of 908 persons per square kilometer. The population comprised male 58,135 female 63,942. This is according to 2009 population census. Projections for Bonchari constituency indicate a figure of 148,432 with a population density of 844.
The population was projected to reach 157,012 in the year 2017 with a population density of 893 persons per square kilometer. The rise in expected population could be explained by the high national population growth rate of 2.7% and increased immigrants who work in Kisii county headquarters but prefer to live in Bonchari constituency.

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County Assembly Wards in Bonchari Constituency:

Bogiakumu Ward
  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Bogiakumu
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.):
  5. County  Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of
Bomorenda Ward
  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Bomorenda
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.):
  5. County  Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of
Riana Ward
  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Riana
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.):
  5. County  Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of
Bomariba Ward
  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Bomariba
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.):
  5. County  Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of